Attention to detail. Attention to you.

Experienced Representation For Bicycle Accidents

Much like motorcycle accidents, collisions involving bicycles generally result in far more serious injuries than do collisions between two cars. As with motorcycles, there tends to be a bias against bicyclists, most likely because many people do not know that bicycles have the same right to the road as motorized vehicles. “Rules of the road” apply equally to bicycles, imposing obligations, and affording rights and protections to cyclists that are identical in their application to operators of cars and trucks.

Unfortunately, many motorists do not keep a proper lookout for cyclists. As a result, nearly every cyclist has had at least one close call – if not an actual collision – with a car pulling out from a street or parking lot, or turning directly into the cyclist’s path of travel. Nearly as common an occurrence is a motorist changing lanes without regard for a bicyclist who already occupies the lane. As a former competitive cyclist, our lawyer at Kopelman Sitton Law Group, LLC, combines personal experience with his legal knowledge, giving him a unique advantage in representing bicyclists who have been seriously injured by careless motorists.

Trust Your Injury Case To A Former Competitive Cyclist And Dedicated Attorney

Attorney Richard Kopelman understands what it’s like to ride a cycle on Georgia roads. He brings his personal experience as well as his legal skills to each bicycle injury case. Learn more about how our firm can help you by calling or texting us at 404-351-5900 or sending us an email.